7 - The Trēs Trading Company 特里斯貿易公司


… She saw the ocean.


Slowly sinking down into the deep and dark depths of the waters, she saw the lights grow further and further away.


Glittering small and red lights drifted through the sea in masses, but there were no signs of any lifeforms around.


And after she reached the bottom, the small light began to gather into her.


They leisurely took their time, and once those lights began to fade out as well, she found herself resurfacing.


A voice called out to her.


『Your role has ended, …』


A shadow against the light of the sun called out in a feminine voice. She got the feeling the figure had called out a name, but she couldn't catch it.


And she found herself saying something.


『Next time…』


There, the shadow extended a hand. The arm she extended herself to take it, was horribly sullied. Beaten up, and having come up from the sea, her arm was covered in variants of water plants, and shells; even coral had stuck to her.


Her heart started beating faster. She looked into the water's face to find the image of a monster reflected back.


And her conversation partner smiled.


『Good work, …』


After her forgotten name was called out again, her arm crumbled, her body fell apart, and she sunk to the ocean's depths once more. Breaking up int……(内容加载失败!)
